1.For the remote control to function properly, you do not need to understand how the remote control functions electronically.
2.However, plugging device replacement risk, the new device may not function properly, resulting in leakage volume increase in a few days.
3.If man's mind cannot be turned into a logic-machine, neither can it function properly as a great emotional sponge, to be squeezed at will.
4.People do not understand that US RDA requirements might be well below what your body actually needs to live and function properly.
5.One central lesson of the financial crisis was that markets could only function properly if risk-taking were not porced from liability.
6.The outside world contains so much stimuli that you couldn't keep track of it all and function properly.
7.One can imagine that when one is in different time zones , the field looks like a shattered mirror that does not function properly.
8.The addresses of server methods are logical and function properly in one process, but do not function in a different client process.
9.Label data must be transferred to the interpretation of the smoothly on this RFID solutions to function properly.
10.This control stand of the blowout preventer needs to be precisely adjusted, otherwise it will not function properly.